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Film professions. How is it and how could it be? We want to use a system that is adapted to the current momentum of
1st director assistant As it isThe profession, which used to be called “Second Director” in Poland, was awarded the number 1. First Director Assistant
Film professions. How is it and how could it be? We want to use a system that is adapted to the current momentum of
Previs – New Workflow The script of course still exists and follows, as always, the selection path. We assume that a previs is an
This essay has been provocatively entitled “How to make cheaper and better films”, but maybe it is worthwhile to think independently of the necessary
I will begin my call for profound changes in the process of film production with what is closest to me, i. e. with my
On February 24, during the ceremony at the Warsaw Film School, we will get to know the winner of the PSC 2018 Award. This
Film Spring Open Foundation offers many opportunities of career development for filmmakers and students of arts/film schools and aims to support and promote the
It is clear that the proposed changes described in the previous episodes will require savings. This is particularly true of modes of transport. Nowadays,
The system, built over the years, is increasingly burdened by the lack of significant changes and works against future films and their producers. A
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