We invite you to join Group VFX in Nuke which will be led by a VFX expert Agata Nawrocka. A participant who will provide the most interesting work during the Film Spring Open 2020 will be awarded a Nuke license for one year which is a gift from Foundry, the producer of the program. Classes will take place online at the Google Meet platform. Practical work will take place thanks to our befriended rentals which will share film equipment to film crews accepted by the group tutor in Warsaw, Cracow and more. Participation is free of charge. Registration is obligatory.

“We’ll fix it in post”! Welcome at consultation with nawROCKa VFX Supervisor! Before you are going to say “we’ll fix it in post” prepare your concept in preproduction already. You will safe your time, nerves and money 🙂 NawROCKa tells you how to approach the shot, what to look for, how much time takes a task in postproduction and how we can strengthen the message.
Every single shot that gets into the hands of VFX Supervisor differs from the previous one, contains a different puzzle that needs to be solved choosing the easiest and the fastest solutions. The variability of challenges is the privilege that comes with this job as well as the gained knowledge and the changing situation within the image situation. The creators of VFX have a tangible contribution to the viewer’s perception. Their – not infrequently – transparent work, influences the emotions of the viewer and how they perceive the image. Software: AE, Mocha, Nuke. Consultation in the field: retouch, image replacement, adding objects, clean-ups, rotoscoping, tracking, the keying aspect of green/bluescreen and motion design.
Agata Nawrocka – has been in the advertising business already for a couple of years. She has worked on big advertising projects as a motion designer for GPD Advertising Agency and is in love with Nuke. She has also been sprinting within the realm of Adobe (for the past years, mainly AE+APr) and Mocha. Never stops developing. Internally, slows down during yoga and meditation. Privately, is returning to working with a camera as a director and producer.
Partner of the group is: