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Grupa Interakcyjnych Form Narracji Audiowizualnej podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open w Krakowie

Join the Interactive Narration Group 2023!

We invite you to join the Interactive Narration Group during the Film Spring Open Workshop 2023. Traditionally, it will be tutored by Florent Pallares, the founder of Film Spring Open France, which offers audiovisual training in France and Mexico.

The interactive narration group can work on the project of their choice and/or join the projects “Welcome To Film Spring Open”, “Let’s Change The World” and/or “Super Tramp” under the supervision of Florent Pallares and the Red Eyes Cool, a group of international filmmakers founded in 2008 during Film Spring Open Workshop.

The interactive narration group want to work, inspire and get inspiration in the spirit of “artistic residency”. This group is open to all individual filmmakers who want to help in the different steps of creation or to the creative groups who want to make their own interactive story. You can help for one day, some days or the entire length of the project.

Grupa Interakcyjnych Form Narracji Audiowizualnej podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open w Krakowie

Another aspect of this group, will be to try to create the most ecological audiovisual production possible by following the recommendations of the FRAME (Federation of Research in Audiovisual Media and Ecology).

You can find the making-of of the last year HERE.

To join the group you can contact us at: contact@fsofrance.org


“Welcome To Film Spring Open” is an interactive project allowing the viewer to meet different people of their choice in the Film Spring Open universe and/or discover some of their creations. The idea is to make funny short video capsules of a few minutes, which can be interactive themselves, in the form of an interview, a small report or documentary, a tutorial, a fiction and maybe even a mockumentary. 2022 was the starting point of this project, which will be able to grow each year by adding video capsules on a website available online for free.

You can find a part made the last year HERE.

Grupa Interakcyjnych Form Narracji Audiowizualnej podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open w Krakowie
Photo: Lou Baron


“Let’s Change The World” is an interactive website featuring documentaries and photo essays about people trying to change the world on their own scale. The first season has been launched at Film Spring Open Workshop in October 2022 in Krakow. We received over 650 entries from a hundred different countries. We have selected around 50 of them, which you can view by clicking on the animation. We’ll be adding more photo essays over the course of the year.

The public can discover them by selecting them by country or theme, and will have the chance to vote for the best of them directly online. The winners will be selected to take part in a humanitarian project chosen by the public.

You can find the website HERE.

Grupa Interakcyjnych Form Narracji Audiowizualnej podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open w Krakowie, logo projektu Let's Change The World


“Super Tramp” is an interactive fiction about an international reality television program. The viewers have the ability to choose their own path through a story with a series multiple-choice questions, in the spirit of some movie as “Black Mirror: Bandersnatch”.

The subject is a competition between some homeless chosen in the world in order to change their life, as the audience want. The audience can choose for example some homeless people from France, Mexico and Poland and then, choose what each homeless can become for example an artist, a politician, a sportsman etc.

A part of this project has been shot at Cabestany in France and Guanajuato/Leon in Mexico. A making of of the starting point of the project in Mexico is available HERE.

After the first editing will be done, we can post it on different social networks and propose to filmmakers around the world to create their own scenes in order to make some extension of this interactive movie.

Grupa Interakcyjnych Form Narracji Audiowizualnej podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open w Krakowie
Photo: Lou Baron

Florent Pallares: filmmaker, lecturer and trainer, Florent Pallares has been a member of Film Spring Open since 2008 and holds a PhD in Film and Audiovisual Studies. He created in 2013, Film Spring Open France, which offers audiovisual training in France but also in Mexico.

He is president of FRAME (Federation of Research on Audiovisual, Media and Ecology) and is the artistic director of Red Eyes Cool, an international group of filmmakers that manages the “Let’s change the world” project. He is also the director of two festivals: The Encounters Short Film Festival “Image In Cabestany” and “Les étoiles du court-métrage”.

Florent Pallares, prowadzący Grupy Interakcyjnych Form Narracji Audiowizualnej podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open w Krakowie

Sign up for the Interactive Narration Group during the Film Spring Open Workshop in Krakow!

The 18th Film Spring Open is held in Krakow from 10th to 19th of October.

More information HERE.

Registration form HERE.

Grupa Interakcyjnych Form Narracji Audiowizualnej podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open w Krakowie
Photo: Lou Baron
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