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Learn about ecology and come to Green Film Open discussion panel at Film Spring Open 2019

The innovative discussion panel  Green Film Open – The ecology in the film will take a place at Film Spring Open 2019 on 19.10.2019, with special guests attending: Benoît Ruiz (scientist from France), director Jagoda Szelc (“Tower. A Bright Day”, “Monument”), Sławomir Idziak (DOP). The panel is supported by our partners: Rzeszów Regional Development Agency (RARR) and the Krakow Festival Office.

Main topics as follows:

– The idea of ​​the “Green Screen” project by Beata Hulinka from RARR

– Innovations supporting sustainable film and television production by Benoît Ruiz

– Discussion: Jagoda Szelc, Benoît Ruiz, Sławomir Idziak

Today’s movie productions are not able to keep up with the fast-changing world of audiovisual communication technologies. At the same time, material culture and economic development of the world generate littering of the environment. The idea we present is a green film-philosophy with all its beneficial assets. During the panel, we will discuss ways and tools which can generate savings in the production budget and minimize the negative impact on the environment of all stages of production. In Poland, this idea is quite new. There are no special co-financing for green production, there are no additional points for ecological production planning in the assessment of the application in institutions. Therefore, a strong voice and education for the whole industry are crucial. We decided to organize a panel like this during the Film Spring Open Workshop because this is one unique place, where both students, debuts filmmakers, scientists, and producers from all over Europe meet. During the discussion, we will figure out what filmmakers can do on a film set to reduce its negative impact on the environment, but also how to change the whole production and pre-production planning, through efficient planning and risk management and limit the number of shooting days.

Photo: Filip Błażejowski


BENOIT RUIZ – from eco-design to the end of life, Benoît Ruiz assesses the environmental performance, economic as well as compliance with the European regulation of technologies and their applications. He’s also a former innovation consultant for Ecoprod and currently, he works as the Paris Film Region expert on innovation in the Audiovisual sector. For this Benoît Ruiz performs estimates and comparative LCIA that are related to environmental impacts, economic benefits and compliance. Benoît Ruiz works as an expert for the:

Technical industries of the CNC, where it evaluates grant applications for investment projects (AIE fund) – Decree No. 2013-999 of 8 November 2013, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 of the European Commission of December 15, 2006

Scientific Research National Center (CNRS – Physics) to build European partnerships and design work packages (WP) of SSH, environmental impacts and recycling for H2020 topics:

–          Challenging Current Thinking

–          Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies

–          Smart materials, systems and structures for energy harvesting (RIA)

–          Future propulsion and integration: towards a hybrid/electric aircraft (InCo flagship)

–          High-Temperature Packaging [N49] – space application topic

Jagoda Szelc is a director who often speaks about ecology and environment issues and wants to change the industry’s approach towards sustainable and Green Film production. She is planning to produce her new movie according to the Green Film idea.

Sławomir Idziak is a well-known cinematographer, CEO of the Film Spring Open Foundation. The activities of the Film Spring Open Foundation are focused on the development and innovation of the creative sector. Foundation runs activities that connect industry with the audiovisual sector also in terms of production changes.

Jagoda and Sławomir Idziak on the Cinebus’ board


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