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Plakat konkursu scenariuszowego Trzy korony

105 000 PLN for scripts associated with Małopolska – Call for VII edition of the Competition “Three Crowns – Małopolska Film Award”!

As you know since 2011 Film Spring Open Air has been held in Małopolska, a unique place that offers to our participants a richness of landscapes and local infrastructure prepared to make their film projects in new technologies.

The opportunities that Małopolska offers to filmmakers are mostly represented in our latest spot “Filmmakers Choose Małopolska” (Producer: Film Spring Open Foundation, Editing, VFX, Motion Design: Jakub Sobek, Radikal Studio). A must see!

We know how inspiring and motivating for you is to take part in filmmaking activities in Krakow, which is why we would like to encourage you to submit your projects in the VII edition of the “Three Crowns – Małopolska Film Award” for best scripts associated with Małopolska Region. As every year financial awards are waiting for the authors who create a cinematic tale of Małopolska.

Why is it worth fighting for? The awards are granted in two categories: documentary script competition winner will receive 20 000 PLN from the Małopolska Region, and in the category of feature films there are three awards – first place – 40 000 PLN from the Małopolska Region, the second – 30 000 PLN from the Polish Film Institute and the third – 15 000 PLN from the Krakow Festival Office. The condition is to present in your scripts a relationship with Małopolska by the theme of the scripts, the author, and above all, the setting and locations of the film.

The scripts submitted in the competition should be sent to the Polish Television Branch in Krakow by: August 31st in the category of “documentary scripts”, and by September 30th in the category of “feature film scripts.”

The competition is organized by our Film Spring Open partners Małopolska Region, Polish Film Institute, Krakow Festival Office and the Polish Television Branch in Krakow. Patronage: Radio Krakow, Dziennik Polski, KIPA, service Audiowizualni.pl, the Association of Polish Filmmakers, KINO and Bahama Films.

Detailed rules and required documents can be found at: www.malopolskie.pl/trzykorony

P.S. The competition is dedicated to the authors who write in Polish.

Plakat konkursu scenariuszowego Trzy korony

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