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Mały lis, zdjęcie, Krzysztof Kubik, kurs filmowy online filmu przyrodniczego

Recruitment for the Wildlife Documentary Online Course is underway

We invite you to sign up for the online nature film course with Krzysztof Kubik, the author of the blog / vlog Nature in the Frame.

The course is intended for people who have already tried to make a documentary film, not necessarily related to nature, or have had some practical contact with film.

If you are interested, please send your application to: biuro@filmspringopen.eu

Krzysztof Kubik says:

I invite you to an online workshop on nature film, where each participant will make their own documentary based on a given topic. Together we will go through every stage of production: from discussing the concept, through writing the script, explication, etc. in the pre-production phase. This will be followed by filming in the production phase, which will be discussed and consulted on an ongoing basis. In the last phase of post-production, we will go through editing, sound, music, effects, etc., ending with distribution.


More info can be found HERE.

Krzysztof Kubik: in 2015, he graduated from a film school in Great Britain, majoring in documentary directing and cinematography. In the same year, he founded the first and only blog/vlog in Poland about nature films, Nature in the frame.

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