We invite you to sign up for the online nature film course with Krzysztof Kubik, the author of the blog / vlog Nature in the Frame.
The course is intended for people who have already tried to make a documentary film, not necessarily related to nature, or have had some practical contact with film.
If you are interested, please send your application to: biuro@filmspringopen.eu
Krzysztof Kubik says:
I invite you to an online workshop on nature film, where each participant will make their own documentary based on a given topic. Together we will go through every stage of production: from discussing the concept, through writing the script, explication, etc. in the pre-production phase. This will be followed by filming in the production phase, which will be discussed and consulted on an ongoing basis. In the last phase of post-production, we will go through editing, sound, music, effects, etc., ending with distribution.
More info can be found HERE.
Krzysztof Kubik: in 2015, he graduated from a film school in Great Britain, majoring in documentary directing and cinematography. In the same year, he founded the first and only blog/vlog in Poland about nature films, Nature in the frame.