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Film masterclass in acting improvisation course online with Aleksandra Konieczna

Tutor:Aleksandra Konieczna

Level: intermediate

Course language: Polish

Course duration: 6 meetings of 8 hours (Tuesdays from 17:00 and Saturdays from 10:00)

Working days/weekend: weekends, working days

Number of people required to start the course: 8


Do you want to improve your acting skills, work on your concentration and yourself? Sign up for a unique film masterclass in acting improvisations course with Aleksandra Konieczna, awarded the Golden Lions for her role in “The Last Family”.

Aleksandra Konieczna’s course will be based on the method of Stella Adler, an American actress and creator of the well-known method of working on a role, named after her. Stella is dead now, but her method is doing fine. Her students continuously run prestigious acting studios in New York and Los Angeles.

This method “is basically similar to Lee Strasberg’s approach, only more sophisticated, in my opinion,”

says Aleksandra Konieczna.

“More luminous. It is, in fact, the school of Konstantin Stanislavski, transplanted across the ocean, who says: »Every creative process is a descent into the subconscious and conscious ways not to disturb i«”. Excellent! I don’t know a better definition of the act of creation,”

adds the star of “Corpus Christi”.

Classes will include elements of work on concentration, needed not only in acting, but also in any profession.

Aleksandra Konieczna, aktorka Aleksandra Konieczna, aktorka

The online course will start on 20th May 2023 and end on 30th June 2023.
Meetings will be held on Tuesdays at 5:00 pm and Saturdays at 10:00 am 8hours
The course will consist of 6 meetings.

Meeting dates:
3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20 of June

First meeting 20st May:
The actress will meet with each participant individually for 45 minutes, and then after a 30-minute break – we will work with the whole group until the end of the classes.


Aleksandra Konieczna – theatre and film actress as well as theatre director.Winner of, among othersthree Eagles (Polish film awards) and three Golden Lions at the festival in Gdynia.In the years 2000-2017, an actress of the The Rozmaitości Theatre in Warsaw . Since 2019, a lecturer at the Acting Department of the PWSFTviT in Łódź.

One of her most famous film roles was the character of Zofia Beksińska in Jan P. Matuszyński’s debut feature “The Last Family” (2016). Two years later, she received the Eagle for her participation in the comedy drama “Like a Dog with a Cat” by Janusz Kondratiuk, and then – the Golden Lions for the best supporting actress in “Sweat” by Magnus von Horn. Her filmography is complemented by Jan Komasa’s “Corpus Christi” and “Leave no Traces” by Jan P. Matuszyński.

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