We would like to invite you to a practical online course with VFX specialist Agata Nawrocka, who has been leading the VFX effects group at Nuke for several years during the stationary workshops for the audiovisual industry – the Film Spring Open Workshops in Krakow. On a daily basis, she dynamically develops her company by creating FVX for commercials.
The online course “Let’s do it in post” VFX sprint to work in advertising. (Second edition already!)
Do you watch tutorials from afters more often than Netflix, and are much more interested in commercials on TV? In your spare time you love watching VFX Breakdown, and while standing in traffic you dream of upping your skills and entering the pro world of Nuke nodes?
If so, then!
This course is totally for you!
nawROCKa will prepare you for the position of Motion Designer/Compositing Artist at Junior/Middle level.
She will sell you patents for smooth working, firefighting and easy ease on graph node. The knowledge you will absorb will give you a calm, confident start and a high probability of reading an email with the title “Client accepted” in your first week in advertising.
How then? Are we changing the trajectory of your career path?
May roto, trackies, keys and cleanups be with you!
- 3 words from nawROCKa:
As VFX artists, we have a real contribution to make the viewer feel the film. Our work influences the emotion and perception of the image, and is often invisible. Everyday is a craft oscillating between “how long it will take you” and “we have approval for this”. However, we never forget why we love conjuring images so much. And it is this magic that makes things disappear, transform, enhance or create a “wow” effect that nawROCKa will be talking about.
- Technical issues of the course:
1. Communication with departments: production, IT, editing, colour, art director, graphic designers, hr
2. File systems: archiving, servers, ftp, clouds (dropbox, myairbridge)
3. Jirra, mattermost and other internal communication systems
4. Briefs: how to write them, how to read them, how to do them quickly?
5. Work culture and mental health
Export files
1. Formats, extensions – overview
2. Export files – how to choose the right format
Motion Design
1. Co-operation with graphic designers, IT tech, production, editing, colour, accounts.
2. Workflow and project.
3. 2D instructional animation, minimal text and working with null objects, expressions and free plugins.
4. Logo animation – how to move a logo to make a client fall in love with it.
5. Animatik animation – working to a brief and creative instructions – showing camera and in-camera movements.
Retouching, cleanups
1. Workflow and project
2. Collaboration with graphics, editing and colour
3. Replacing packaging on static shots
4. Collaboration with Mocha
5. Packaging changes on moving camera shots
6. Product cleanup
7. Image cleanup
8. Retouches
Screen changes on phone, laptop, tv
1. Workflow and project.
2. Communication with the crew, pre-production.
3. Screen insertion: cleanup, cornerpin, grading, static shot
4. Screen insertion: with trunking, cleanup
1. Greenscreen, bluescreen – rules for recording on sets
2. Correct keying
3. Post-production possibilities: AE, Nuke
4. Working with colour
Course summary (2.3h sb)
1. Advantages and disadvantages of working in advertising
2. What’s next after advertising – where can I use my skills?
3. Q&A
The participant will receive a list of free plug-ins, expressions list pages, links with tutorials and hints on where to get inspiration from and how to inspire your head.
Software: AE, Nuke
If you are interested in attending the course, please send your application with your CV and showreel to biuro@filmspringopen.eu
We would also like to invite you to other Film Spring Open Online courses online in audiovisual arts, as well as a practical ten-day workshop for the AV industry Film Spring Open in Krakow!