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Nature film online course

Tutor:Krzysztof Kubik

Level: średnio-zaawansowany

Course language: Polish, English language

Course duration: 12 meetings (1 time a week) during 3 months

Number of people required to start the course: 10

Course price: 1215 PLN


I would like to invite you to an online workshop on nature filmmaking, where each participant will make their own film based on a given topic. Together we will go through each stage of production: from discussing the concept, writing the script, explication in the pre-production phase. This will be followed by field filming in the production phase, which will be discussed and consulted on an ongoing basis. In the final post-production phase we will go through editing, sound design, music, effects to distribution – Krzysztof Kubik.

The course is a perfect offer for people who have already tried making a documentary film, not necessarily related to nature, or have had some practical contact with the filmaking.

If you are interested, please send your application to: biuro@filmspringopen.eu

Deadline for submissions: 31.03.2023r.
The first classes will take place on the first weekend of April.

Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.


Krzysztof Kubik – graduated the Edinburgh Film School in 2015 in documentary directing and cinematography. Winner of many prestigious honors and awards, including the prestigious British Academy of Film and Television Arts BAFTA Best New Work award for “Dipper from the Water of Leith” in best documentary, cinematography and sound categories.

Krzysztof creates commercial projects, documentaries and feature films, but his greatest passion is nature. For several years he has been running Poland’s unique blog/vlog on nature films, Natura w Kadrze, trying to promote such form of film art.

He is also involved in film education, both on the blog/vlog, workshops and individual consultations on directing and the art of cinematography.

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