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attorney-at-law Sara Dobrzanska

Copyright law, civil law - contract law

Mecenas Sara Dobrzańska

Sara Dobrzanska – lawyer, specialises in copyright and criminal law. She helps authors effectively protect and manage their copyrights. She prepares, gives opinions and advises on the conclusion of copyright agreements. She has many years of experience in litigation and mediation in her area of specialisation. Doctoral student at the Department of Criminal Procedure of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University. Author of publications, scientific and popular articles on copyright and criminal law. Lawyer at the Legal Culture Foundation, where she is responsible for strengthening the legal awareness of recipients of culture, inter alia, through trainings, workshops and other educational activities addressed to various recipients: teachers, pupils, students, employees of cultural entities.

Scope of consultation:

Copyright law, civil law – contract law

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