We built the world’s first mobile and economical film studio in the Cinebus. The green screen was replaced by an interactive rear projection controlled by an engine used in computer games. We created a prototype system based on the 3D Unity engine, enabling the realisation of film shots using a virtual background projected behind the actor and side projectors simulating additional light sources from the virtual set design, i.e. displaying rendered images from virtual cameras. In addition, the prototype sensor we have built, which is attached to any camera or other object (car, actor, etc.), allows its position (left-right and up-down rotation) to be tracked in real time in order to merge with the projected background generated by the 3D engine or footage shot beforehand.
We want to offer this mobile and low-cost solution to the audiovisual industry for use wherever your project is currently underway.
For example:
Nowadays, almost every film make scenes in cars. Often in the script such scenes describe accidents or other dangerous situations. Shooting such scenes is very difficult, very expensive and, in addition, still dangerous. A good actor is not necessarily a good driver.
The technology commonly known as Green Screens, despite its many possibilities, has a fundamental flaw – the inability of the director to control what is created on set.
Thanks to the development of technology, and in particular the computer games sector, a possibility has emerged, which, thanks to the support of MKIDN, we have been researching and developing for two years now, so that the linking of the background with the acting action takes place in real time and that the actor also sees what, with the above-mentioned technology, only the director could see. At the same time, it is mobile and economical:
- instead of large and expensive LED screens, we used the laser rear projection method
- the team does not have to travel to a special studio.
The combination of these components (mobility and rear projection) reduces the cost of both building the Virtual Studio its and operating costs.
We built the Virtual Studio on the basis of the Cinebus and its integral part -2 4mx4m tents.
Prototype Innovative Mobile Virtual Film Studio
Subsidised with funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Fund for the Promotion of Culture, obtained from surcharges established in games covered by the state monopoly in accordance with Article 80(1) of the Gambling Act of 19 November 2009.