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Shoot for the future with KIPA, Netflix and the Film Spring Open!

During this year’s Film Spring Open Workshop we will host a group of young film enthusiasts who, thanks to KIPA and Netflix, will take part in our workshops. They will be able to gain knowledge necessary to work on film sets in various professions.

KIPA and Netflix are launching a program of workshops for people aged 18 – 26 called “Shoot for the future” introducing the secrets of film production and giving a chance to get hooked on the filmmaking profession.

Baner projektu Nakręć się na przyszłość, Plenery Film Spring Open 2023

The project has been prepared for people:

  • aged 18-26;
  • with no experience in the audiovisual industry;
  • residing in one of the seven indicated voivodships: Dolnośląskie, Łódzkie, Małopolskie, Podkarpackie, Pomorskie, Śląskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie.


The course of the project:

In the first stage of the project, its participants will take part in two-day stationary workshops covering the introduction to the secrets of filmmaking and the presentation of selected professions related to film production.

Plan filmowy podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open, warsztatów filmowych w Krakowie, Arri Close up. Dramaturgia wizualna filmu psychologicznego
Photo: Filip Błażejowski

In the second stage 21 participants, 3 from each province, will be invited to participate in the Film Spring Open Workshop in Krakow.The event will take place on October 10-19, 2023, and will be preceded by a series of introductory online training. People taking part in the workshops will have the task of preparing films about selected film professions under the supervision of mentors. Covering the costs of participation in workshops, accommodation and meals are provided by Netflix.

Recruitment to the project lasts from 14 to 30 July 2023.

To participate in the project:

  • fill the questionnaire;
  • upload a 2-minute video showing your motivation to work in the film industry.

Detailed information can be found on the KIPA website.

Plan filmowy podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open, warsztatów filmowych w Krakowie
Photo: Filip Błażejowski

The 18th Film Spring Open Workshop will take place in Krakow from 10 to 19 October.

Projekt Nakręć się na przyszłość podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open 2023 w Krakowie

More information HERE.

Registration for the Film Spring Open Workshop AT THIS ADDRESS.

Source of information: https://kipa.pl/

Projekt Nakręć się na przyszłość podczas Plenerów Film Spring Open 2023 w Krakowie
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