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Make a music video for Tymon Tymański & MU and win the scholarship at our workshop

Send us an idea for a music video for “Remedy” song by Tymon Tymański & MU and win the scholarship (covering fee, accommodation and meals) at our workshop funded by our Partner, Agora Publishing House.

To take part in the contest, you should register for the Film Spring Workshop on our website www.filmspringopen.eu, submit the competition work by the 30th of September to the following address: biuro@filmspringopen.eu and correctly fill out the application form posted on the contest website. On the competition website you will also be able to get access to Tymon Tymański & MU’s “Remedy” song, which you will find also here.

Tymon Tymański. Photo: Marta Wojtal

By the 5th of October, the competition jury will select the best three proposals, whose authors will receive scholarships. You can submit many competition entries. Tymon Tymański will be our guest at the workshop, so you can make music videos with his participation. More details about participation in the competition can be found in its regulations.

One of the members of the contest jury will be Kobas Laksa, a visual artist, director, photographer, author of films and music videos, who will be the tutor of music videos group at our workshop.
The artist, who received the main Polish award in the industry – Fryderyk for the music video of 2017, advices on what to take into account when making a clip:

“The most important thing is to find a stylistic key for the entire piece. It could be a way of filming, editing, specially selected people appearing in the clip or colours. Such decisions may turn out to be more important than the storyline itself, which is usually not particularly revealing, or properly deepened. It is good to have creative experience, but not necessarily dramatic, or film related. Music videos are closer to painting and poems, more so than to non-fiction or prose.”

Below you will find fragment of our interview with Kobas. Enjoy the read and good luck with your applications!

– What will the work in the music video group look like?

The workshops I led so far were for me an opportunity to listen to what others – usually younger and less experienced – have to say. We start with what they watch and listen to, and if we concentrate on the music videos, we review a few or more and discuss the details. The videos are by definition based on fresh and surprising ideas so there are no limits to imagination. When the draft of the script for a clip is being created, there are no foolish or bad ideas. All ideas can lead to an extraordinary discovery and transformation into a clip.

– What should a good music video be like?

It is certainly important that the creator is guided by intuition and artistically honest with himself and the viewers.

– What young filmmakers should pay attention to when working on their competition works?

Thousands of clips are created every day in the world, sometimes great ones are made by amateurs and sometimes by experienced and renowned artists. There are no rules, but there is an expectation that the clip will surprise us with something. I would also like to be surprised.

Zdjęcie portretowe Kobasa Laksy
Photo courtesy of Kobas Laksa


A visual artist, director, photographer, author of films and music videos. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań and the Development LAB/ Studio Prób (directing) at Wajda School. He uses a variety of media: photography, photocollage, performance, animation, and film. In the 1990s, he co-founded the informal off-cinema (see “INDEPENDENT CINEMA IN POLAND 1989-2009”, RED. PIOTR MARECKI) making such films as Sceny z użycia/ User’s Note, Fikcyjne Pulpety/ Fictional Meatballs, Czy mógłbym się u pani wykąpać i przespać?/ Could I Wash and Sleep Over at Your Place, Pojechałem z mamą na pielgrzymkę/ I Went on a Pilgrimage with My Mom, Koło jest przyjemne/ Circle is Pleasure. He directs music videos for such artists as Młynarski-Masecki Jazz Band (song “Abdul Bey” – awarded with Fryderyk for the music video of 2017), Męskie Granie Orchestra („Elektryczny”/”Electric”) Abradab (“Rapowe ziarno”/ “Rap grain” – MTV award and Yach Audience award, „Rap to nie zabawa już”/ “Rap it’s not fun anymore”) and others. The artist is also known as the author of photographs and photo collages. His most popular projects are the Projekt miejski Warszawa /Urban Project Warsaw series, Rauchdelikt and Memento Vulgari. In 2008, he made a series of photomontages for the Polish pavilion at the Biennale in Venice. For the Afterlife of Buildings – Budynków życie po życiu the Polish Pavilion received the prestigious Golden Lion award. Director and screenwriter of the film „Okno z widokiem na ścianę”/ “A Window with a view on a wall” produced as the part of the Munk Studio’s 30 minute program and a scholarship winner of the Polish Film Institute’s screenplay program getting ready for a full-length debut.

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