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“Start making money from Internet stocks”

Tutor:Adam Strzelecki

Level: podstawowy

Course language: Polish

Course duration: 8 lectures (4 monthly) during 2 months

Working days/weekend: weekends, working days

Number of people required to start the course: 10

Course price: 495 zł


Tutor: Adam Strzelecki

The course is designed for beginners who have had no exposure to the online film stock market or are at the beginning of their journey. The course will have a practical dimension: from creating an account on the chosen stock, getting through the recruitment process, finding subjects to film, working with actors/statisticians (filling out model consents), proper color correction and choosing the right moment in the clip, and many other practical tips.

“An important part of the course will also be the issue of motivation, which in this industry, in my opinion, is crucial. I will try to motivate each participant of the course to act, among other things, by showing the undoubted benefits, financial independence and fun that working on stock gives,” says Adam Strzelecki.

Planned start of the course – April 2022.

If interested, please send your application to: biuro@filmspringopen.eu


Adam Strzelecki – as the founder of an advertising and filmmaking agency AZARRO he has worked for over 10 years now for Getty Images, Inc. from Seattle, a global leading supplier of stock videos, photos and music. In the year 1998 he received his diploma at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Univeristy of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, major in Painting, in the atelier of Professor Janusz Kaczmarski. Since 2018 he has been engaged with the Film Spring Open Foundation. He produces films and edits commercial videos.

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