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Film music online course

Tutor:Magdalena Miśka Jackowska

Level: beginner

Course language: Polish

Course duration: 8 spotkań (raz w tygodniu przez 2 miesiące)

Working days/weekend: w dni robocze

Number of people required to start the course: 5

Course price: 770


Tutor: Magda Miśka-Jackowska

The course is designed for people who already use music in their own productions (feature films of various lengths, documentaries, animations) or want to learn how to do it, as well as for those who are involved in film production.

The workshop is also a very interesting proposition for lovers of music in film, who want to gather more knowledge about its history, methods of creation and ways of using it. The course includes theoretical and practical classes and an extensive list of bibliographies and literature. Among the most important topics will be: the function and roles of film music, cooperation with composers, music consultation, a useful glossary of key musical terms, music in film promotion.

Note: possible course for a smaller group, tailored individually to the needs of participants in an appropriately adapted duration (e.g., working on a selected issue or project).

Using Polish and foreign examples, we will discuss the path of music in film – from selection through its creation to recording. We will tell how to cope with a very small budget, where to look for music and how to use it effectively in a film. It will also be about establishing contacts between the music and film communities,” says Magda Miśka-Jackowska.


Magda Miśka-Jackowska – journalist, radio host, teacher, member of the RMF Classic radio team for 15 years. An acclaimed presenter. She belongs to the select group of professional music film journalists in Europe. Author of numerous radio programmes made for RMF Classic on the topics related to cinema and film music, including documentary series Mistrzowie drugiego planu (Masters of the background) about unknown film professions and Cały ten film (All about film), which showed different stages of film production from the idea to the premiere. Hostess of the film magazine Moje Kino (My cinema), for which in 2010 she received the award of the Polish Film Institute for the best radio or TV programme about film. She was the author and hostess of the only film music hit list on the Polish radio, presented weekly on RMF Classic. Magda Miśka-Jackowska has conducted hundreds of TV and radio interviews with the greatest personalities of the world of music, cinema and most importantly film music. Author of the two-disc compilation Złota kolekcja – Ale filmy! (Gold Collection – Film music) and of many articles and texts about the tenth muse. Her latest radio programme, a 12-episode series entitled Zagraj to jeszcze raz (Play it again), also available as a podcast, is a story about the phenomenon of film music. The programme features several dozens of composers including the greatest stars of the genre such as Ennio Morricone and Hans Zimmer, as well as film directors, instrumentalists, heads of music studios, songwriters, conductors, actors and dedicated fans of film music. She graduated from the Faculty of Radio and Television at the University of Silesia in Katowice. To this day she is associated with the Faculty of Fine Arts at the university, where she holds classes for students in film scoring. As a teacher, she is also associated with the Academy of Music in Łódź.

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