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Documentary film online course

Level: zaawansowany

Course language: polski

Course duration: - 12 spotkań (4 miesięcznie) w ciągu 3 miesięcy

Working days/weekend: w weekendy

Number of people required to start the course: 12

Course price: 1650 zł


Tutor: Director Pawel Lozinski

I would like the documentary film directing workshop to have a practical dimension. Participants will be given a topic for their exercise and will go through the entire production path as part of the course: from the idea for the film, through the script proposal, cinematography and editing. Ideally, each participant will be able to complete his or her short documentary exercise as part of the course.

Participants who express interest in continuing consultations and lectures, e.g., do not manage to complete their project during the Film Spring Open Workshop, will be able to consult them in the form of group online sessions after the Film Spring Open Workshop.

– Number of course participants – max 12 people

– 12 meetings – (4 per month) within 3 months

– The course will be in Polish

– Participation is open to people interested in documentary filmmaking who have already made film attempts in this genre. The applicant should write a cover letter of about 1 page, describing his achievements and motivations. The candidate can, and even should, include links to his works.

Among the applicants, I will select the participants of the course.

During the course, we will read your scripts together, watch the footage submitted during the course. I will also consult the editing layouts of the exercises created during the course.

You are cordially invited!

Pawel Lozinski

Since there will be a recruitment for the course of the documentary film group resulting from the program proposed by Pawel Lozinski (details above), those willing to participate are invited to send their applications together with a portfolio to the following e-mail:

Participants feedback:

Excellent substantive, sensitizing and engaging course. Directing assignments, meetings, discussions, full professionalism of the instructor. Regardless of your level of documentary knowledge and practice, it allows you to find the keys for yourself to the next door in this so rich world of documentary filmmaking. – Tina Smerdel

“Thank you, great course, I learned a lot and Mr. Paul did a really thorough job with us. It’s a pity that this is the last meeting during the course, but now it’s time to use the skills in practice:)” – Aneta Mlodzik


Film Spring Open Online

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