This year the Interactive Narration Group will kick off the Film Spring Open 2024 in Krakow (15-24.10.2024) with online sessions! This is a perfect opportunity to get to know our Tutor and the schedule of the group, which has been visiting us from France for many years. Thanks to the online sessions, you have the chance to prepare for the practical part at the Film Spring Open Workshops.
We invite you to take part in online workshop sessions in which participants will be asked to complete tasks in their own time. The main focus will be on presenting the three international interactive film projects, which will be produced under the artistic supervision of the international filmmaking group The Red Eyes Cool.
The first is a fiction film called Super Tramp, which began shooting in the Guanajuato region of Mexico in February 2020 then in Poland in Krakow and France in Cabestany.
The second project is Let’s change the world, about people who are trying to change the world on their own scale. The public can meet them by selecting documentaries or photo essays classified by country or theme. More than 1,500 filmmakers from all over the world have joined the project. A photo essay from this project, produced in Kenya by Lou Baron, won the Pure Essentiel,Nature et Environnement prize at the Grand Prix Paris Match in October 2021, and three documentaries have been funded by FSO France in France, Kenya and Morocco.
The aim of the third project, Welcome to Film Spring Open, is to meet different people from the world of cinema through Film Spring Open and/or to discover some of their creations.
The idea is to produce short, entertaining video clips lasting a few minutes, which can be interactive, in the form of an interview, a short report or documentary, a tutorial, a piece of fiction and perhaps even a mockumentary. 2022 was the starting point for this project, which will be able to grow each year by adding video capsules to a site available online free of charge.
For this 2024 edition, the idea of transforming this project into a feature film was born in collaboration with two Polish film-makers, Mateusz Jaśko and Konrad Ziaja.
For those interested, there will be writing and organisational workshops on these various projects and an introduction to the various tools we can use to create interactivity and the most environmentally-friendly production possible.
The online sessions can take place during the artistic residency we are organising in Cabestany, France, from 12 to 26 August, when you are also welcome in person.
More details about the Interactive Narration Group at the Film Spring Open Workshops in Kraków >> HERE!
Hope to see you soon!