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FilmSpringers Connect – free course online z DOP Marcin Koszałka “Visual Strategy in a Feature TV Series”

Tutor:Marcin Koszałka

Level: średnio-zaawansowany

Course language: polski

Course duration: 20 godzin lekcyjnych, po 5 godzin lekcyjnych przez 4 dni

Working days/weekend: w dni robocze


Online course: “Visual Strategy in a Feature TV Series”

Led by cinematographer and director Marcin Koszalka, this course offers participants a unique opportunity to explore the cinematographer’s work and post-production workflow. The workshop will focus on developing skills in creating visual style in serial productions.

The workshop programme is based on Marcin Koszałka’s upcoming TV series about the Polish mafia of the 1990s and early 2000s. The story is inspired by the activities of the Pruszkowski and Wołomin gangs, as well as one of the most brutal Polish gangs – the Mutants. During the class, participants will work with the tutor to develop a visual concept for the series, including the colour correction process and the use of VFX effects. The exercises will use demo footage shot during this year’s Film Spring Open workshop using a Sony Burano camera.

During the workshop we will meet the outstanding colorist Glen Castinho https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2569237/

We will work with him to build the visual style of the series, drawing inspiration from the art of photography and painting when creating color correction. The classes will also include a detailed analysis of the cinematography of the popular series “Ripley” (available on Netflix), during which participants will have the opportunity to discuss the techniques used and production decisions. Additionally, Marcin Koszałka will share his experiences from working on the series “Erynie”, offering practical tips and specific examples from the set.

It is recommended to be familiar with the series “Ripley” before attending the course to provide a common basis for cinematography analysis.

During this year’s Film Spring Open workshops, which have already taken place, a special demo material “Mafia” was produced, created with the Sony Burano camera. This professional material, shot in conditions simulating series production, will be the basis for work for participants of the upcoming online workshops “Visual Strategy in a Feature Series”.

Participants in the online workshop will be able to use this material to develop color correction, experiment with visual effects (VFX), and develop their own concepts of visual style. Working with professional demo material created during Film Spring Open is a unique opportunity to improve your skills in post-production and creating a coherent series aesthetic. Thanks to this unique opportunity, workshop participants will have access to real film shots, which will allow them to better understand the production processes and camera techniques used in professional productions.

Meeting Dates:

November 4 from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 16:00 to 16:45 PM
November 5 from 10:00 AM to 1:45 PM
November 6 from 8:45 AM to 12:30 PM
November 7 from 10:00 AM to 1:45 PM

Total class time: 20 teaching hours, 5 teaching hours per 4 days.

“FilmSpringers Connect”. This makes the online course free for you!

The Film Spring Open Foundation, as part of funding from the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO), is implementing the project: “FilmSpringers Connect”.


Marcin Koszałka – Cinematographer, screenwriter and director of documentary and feature films. Habilitated doctor of film arts, graduate and lecturer at Krzysztof Kieślowski Radio and Television Faculty at University of Silesia, a member of the Polish Film Academy and the European Film Academy.

One of the most recognized documentary filmmakers of his generation, who has made films such as: “Such a Nice Boy I Gave Birth to”, “Declaration of Immortality” or “You’ll Be a Legend, Man”. In 2015, he made his feature debut with the thriller “The Red Spider”, which premiered in the main competition of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

He has done camerawork for many Polish feature films. He was awarded twice at the Polish Film Festival, for “The Welts” (2004) by Magdalena Piekorz and “The Reverse” (2009) by Borys Lankosz.

In his personal life: mountaineer, climber and marathon runner.

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