Film director and scriptwriter Jagoda Szelc will lead the scriptwriting group during the Film Spring Open 2020 online edition. Fifteen authors of the best feature film treatments will be invited to join the group. To enter the competition, please register on the Film Spring Open Workshop website and send your application with your full name and a film treatment of max. four pages (in English or Polish) at by 21 September 2020. The results will be announced on 5 October 2020 on the Film Spring Open Workshop website and social media accounts.
Godard once said: “A story should have a beginning, a middle and an end, but not necessarily in that order.” My group is for the honest. The courageous. The hard-working. To my scenario group, I would like to invite adult people who are willing to learn from one another. The process is delicate so we shall communicate according to the following rules:
- Critical feedback is communicated with respect for other people’s feelings.
- We accept only the remarks that we like.
- Everyone is free to leave the group.
- Once somebody leaves the group, they cannot re-join after being absent from meetings.
We are going to discuss 8 texts from the group of 15 people. The texts will be subject to a selection, which will not be made by me.
Jagoda Szelc is a prizewinning screenwriter and director. Her film Tower. A Bright Day won the best screenplay and best directing debut awards at the Polish Film Festival in Gdynia in 2017. Her newest film Monument received a special prize at the OFF Camera Festival. Currently, she teaches at the Łódź Film School. She already was a Film Spring Open Workshop guest in 2017 and 2018 and during Film Spring Open 2020 she led the scriptwriting group for the first time.