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Sławomir Idziak i Magdalena Miśka Jackowska podczas warsztatów filmowych dla branży audiowizualnej w Krakowie - Plenerów Film Spring Open

Join the Film Music Group with Magda Miśka-Jackowska!

Sign up for the Film Music Group!Its mentor, Magda Miśka-Jackowska, belongs to a small group of professional European journalists whose specialization is film music.

The group is dedicated to all activities related to the use of music in the moving pictures. We encourage everyone who plans to use originally written or already existing music in their projects, as well as composers, sound directors and sound operators.

Photo by Andrzej Szypulski

The group is open for everyone and its activity will be based mainly on consultations and practical help in choosing the musical material and using it in the film, as well as facilitating contacts between directors or producers and composer. The mentor will present examples of the influence of music on the image, the function of music in the film and the methods of acquiring tracks.

We invite you to work in a group at every stage of production – from choosing the music, through its creation, to recording. We are happy to share our knowledge on how to deal with a very small budget, where to look for music and how to use it effectively in a film. We will also help in establishing contacts with composers. And vice versa – we will enable composers to reach authors

– says our mentor.

Photo by Andrzej Szypulski

Magdalena Miśka-Jackowska: journalist, radio host, teacher, member of the RMF Classic radio team for 15 years. An acclaimed presenter and an author of the book “Kilar” published by Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne.

She graduated from the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School. To this day she is associated with the Faculty of Fine Arts at the university, where she holds classes for students in film scoring. As a teacher, she is also associated with the Academy of Music in Łódź.

Magda Miśka-Jackowska has conducted hundreds of TV and radio interviews with the greatest personalities of the world of music, cinema and most importantly film music. Author of the two-disc compilation “Złota kolekcja – Ale filmy!” (“Gold Collection – Film music”) and of many articles and texts about the tenth muse.

Opiekunka grupy warsztatowej muzyki filmowej Magdalena Miśka Jackowska

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